Green Blog

Tratamentos para peles maduras: cuidados  antienvelhecimento indispensáveis

Treatments for mature skin: essential anti-agin...

In this article, you will find all our tips, the correct beauty routine and specific treatments to include in your skincare routine to keep mature skin toned and beautiful, giving...

Treatments for mature skin: essential anti-agin...

In this article, you will find all our tips, the correct beauty routine and specific treatments to include in your skincare routine to keep mature skin toned and beautiful, giving...

Biodeo recarga: os desodorizantes roll-on naturais mais sustentáveis de sempre! La Saponaria

Biodeo refill: the most sustainable natural rol...

They're here to surprise and win over even the most stubborn souls: the fantastic Biodeo roll-on refills, natural and organic liquid deodorants that can be applied with a roll-on, but...

Biodeo refill: the most sustainable natural rol...

They're here to surprise and win over even the most stubborn souls: the fantastic Biodeo roll-on refills, natural and organic liquid deodorants that can be applied with a roll-on, but...

Desodorizante natural roll-on

Deodorants: ingredients to avoid. What a natura...

Deodorants play a crucial role in our daily routine. However, not all are created equal. Let’s find out together which ingredients to avoid in deodorants without sacrificing effectiveness!

Deodorants: ingredients to avoid. What a natura...

Deodorants play a crucial role in our daily routine. However, not all are created equal. Let’s find out together which ingredients to avoid in deodorants without sacrificing effectiveness!

Cremes solares: qual é a diferença entre filtros solares químicos e físicos? - La Saponaria

Sunscreens: what is the difference between chem...

"Sunscreens" are the skin's most important defense weapon against the sun. The effectiveness and safety of sunscreen cosmetics are based on the type and quantity of anti-UV molecules they contain....

Sunscreens: what is the difference between chem...

"Sunscreens" are the skin's most important defense weapon against the sun. The effectiveness and safety of sunscreen cosmetics are based on the type and quantity of anti-UV molecules they contain....

Método "Curly Girl": o que é e como fazê-lo com produtos naturais, sustentáveis e biológicos - La Saponaria

"Curly Girl" method: what it is and how to do i...

THE " Curly " method Girl" can be seen as something that enhances a person's natural beauty : girls with curly hair, especially on special occasions, often find themselves wanting to straighten...

"Curly Girl" method: what it is and how to do i...

THE " Curly " method Girl" can be seen as something that enhances a person's natural beauty : girls with curly hair, especially on special occasions, often find themselves wanting to straighten...

Alecrim para um crescimento mais rápido do cabelo: Lavagens e Massagens do Couro Cabeludo - La Saponaria

Rosemary for Faster Hair Growth: Scalp Washes a...

Does rosemary make hair grow faster and make it stronger, more beautiful and shiny? There are ongoing studies (for example, you can check out a study published in PubMed )...

Rosemary for Faster Hair Growth: Scalp Washes a...

Does rosemary make hair grow faster and make it stronger, more beautiful and shiny? There are ongoing studies (for example, you can check out a study published in PubMed )...