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Aromas do Valado

Essential Oil Synergies - Rosmarinus (Invigorating)

Essential Oil Synergies - Rosmarinus (Invigorating)

Regular price €10,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €10,00 EUR
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Aromas do Valado's Essential Oil Synergies are produced in Portugal by hand, based on essential oils obtained through steam distillation, extremely pure and without additives.

Product with SATIVAcarebio® organic certification and Vegan certification. Additionally, it has the GEOPRODUTO seal, a distinction awarded by the Naturtejo Geopark.

Rosmarinus variety/Invigorating: Commonly used for its antioxidant properties, immune system stimulants, skin aging protectors, and concentration aids. It also has high concentrations of tannic acids and vitamins. Insect repellent and bite reliever.

Outer paper packaging.

Glass bottle with plastic lid.

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Usage Advice

Regular use: Diffuser.

Precautions: Under no circumstances should the product be ingested. Flammable. Do not use this product for topical applications, in aromatherapy or any other application, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. The use of essential oils or hydrolates for therapeutic purposes always requires prior advice from a specialist. You should also consult a specialist if you are hypertensive or have a history of epilepsy. Some oils may cause photosensitivity. Avoid sun exposure after application. In the case of application in facial or body masks, first consult the instructions of a therapist. Keep out of the reach of children.


Lemon (Citrus limonum), Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Esteva (cistus ladanifer)

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